Star Wars: Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear
- Autorstwo: Alexander Freed
- Ilustracje:
- Ilustracja okładki: Marko Menev
- Tłumaczenie:
- Redakcja:
- Oryginalny tytuł: Star Wars: Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear
- Wydanie oryginalne: Random House Worlds, 25 lutego 2025
- Wydanie polskie:
- Objętość (oryg/pl): 496 stron
- Cena (oryg/pl): 30,00 USD
- Uniwersum:
- Rodzaj publikacji: Powieść
- Seria powieściowa: Reign of the Empire (1 z 3)
- Cykl wydawniczy:
- Projekt multimedialny:
- Nota wydawnicza
- Zawartość
- Recenzje
- Dodatkowe informacje
- Galeria
Nota wydawnicza (Random House Worlds, 2025)
Before the Rebellion, the Empire reigns, in book one of a trilogy told through the eyes of Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Saw Gerrera.
“In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! For a safe and secure society!”
With one speech and thunderous applause, Chancellor Palpatine brought the era of the Republic crashing down. In its place rose the Galactic Empire. Across the galaxy, people rejoiced and celebrated the end of war—and the promises of tomorrow. But that tomorrow was a lie. Instead, the galaxy became twisted by the cruelty and fear of the Emperor’s rule.
During that terrifying first year of tyranny, Mon Mothma, Saw Gerrera, and Bail Organa face the encroaching darkness. One day, they will be three architects of the Rebel Alliance. But first, each must find purpose and direction in a changing galaxy, while harboring their own secrets, fears, and hopes for a future that may never come unless they act.
Before the Rebellion, the Empire reigns, in book one of a trilogy told through the eyes of Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Saw Gerrera.
“In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! For a safe and secure society!”
With one speech and thunderous applause, Chancellor Palpatine brought the era of the Republic crashing down. In its place rose the Galactic Empire. Across the galaxy, people rejoiced and celebrated the end of war—and the promises of tomorrow. But that tomorrow was a lie. Instead, the galaxy became twisted by the cruelty and fear of the Emperor’s rule.
During that terrifying first year of tyranny, Mon Mothma, Saw Gerrera, and Bail Organa face the encroaching darkness. One day, they will be three architects of the Rebel Alliance. But first, each must find purpose and direction in a changing galaxy, while harboring their own secrets, fears, and hopes for a future that may never come unless they act.