Star Wars: The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear!
- Autorstwo: Tom Angleberger
- Ilustracje: Andie Tong
- Ilustracja okładki: Andie Tong
- Tłumaczenie:
- Redakcja:
- Oryginalny tytuł: Star Wars: The Mighty Chewbacca in the Forest of Fear!
- Wydanie oryginalne: Disney-Lucasfilm Press, 25 maja 2018
- Wydanie polskie:
- Objętość (oryg/pl): 272 strony
- Cena (oryg/pl): 13,99 USD
- Uniwersum:
- Rodzaj publikacji: Powieść młodzieżowa
- Seria powieściowa:
- Cykl wydawniczy:
- Projekt multimedialny: Han Solo
- Nota wydawnicza
- Zawartość
- Recenzje
- Dodatkowe informacje
- Galeria
Nota wydawnicza (Disney-Lucasfilm Press, 2018)
When Chewbacca the Wookiee finds out that a job he thought was just ferrying tooka cats is actually much more, he's excited to have something to do! But when he, a young bounty hunter/librarian, and a droll cargo droid--who, unbeknownst to the others is rebel spy droid K-2SO--land in the middle of a blue forest that emits a fear-causing mist, Chewie realizes the job may be too dangerous for his liking. He and his companions will have to fight off snarlers, sniffers, and their own fears as they try to recover a sacred book--and rescue Han Solo in the process! Perfect for reading before or after seeing Solo: A Star Wars Story in theaters!
When Chewbacca the Wookiee finds out that a job he thought was just ferrying tooka cats is actually much more, he's excited to have something to do! But when he, a young bounty hunter/librarian, and a droll cargo droid--who, unbeknownst to the others is rebel spy droid K-2SO--land in the middle of a blue forest that emits a fear-causing mist, Chewie realizes the job may be too dangerous for his liking. He and his companions will have to fight off snarlers, sniffers, and their own fears as they try to recover a sacred book--and rescue Han Solo in the process! Perfect for reading before or after seeing Solo: A Star Wars Story in theaters!
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