Star Wars: A New Hope – The Special Edition (wydanie zbiorcze) :: Komiksy

Star Wars: A New Hope – The Special Edition

  • Scenariusz: Bruce Jones
  • Ilustracje: Eduardo Barreto
  • Tusz: Eduardo Barreto, Al Williamson, Carlos Garzón
  • Litery: Steve Dutro
  • Kolory: James Sinclair, Cary Porter
  • Ilustracja okładki: Greg Hildebrandt, Tim Hildebrandt
  • Tłumaczenie:
  • Oryginalny tytuł: Star Wars: A New Hope – The Special Edition
  • Wydanie oryginalne: Dark Horse Comics, Styczeń 1997
  • Wydanie polskie:
  • Objętość (oryg/pl): 96 stron
  • Cena (oryg/pl): 9,95 USD
  • Uniwersum:
  • Rodzaj publikacji: Album komiksowy / Wydanie zbiorcze / Adaptacja komiksowa
  • Seria komiksowa: Nowa nadzieja
  • Cykl wydawniczy:
  • Projekt multimedialny: Nowa nadzieja
  • Nota wydawnicza
  • Zawartość
  • Recenzje
  • Dodatkowe informacje
  • Galeria
Nota wydawnicza (Dark Horse Comics, 1997)
When George Lucas made the first Star Wars motion picture, a scene was shot wherein Han Solo met Jabba the Hutt. But as any Star Wars fan knows, Jabba didn’t appear until the third film, Return of the Jedi. Lucas had hit the technological wall — he couldn’t craft Jabba the way he wanted, so he simply removed the scene from his initial, ground-breaking movie. Now, two decades later, he has taken that footage — with a young Harrison Ford portraying a brash Han Solo — and added Jabba to it. The result is incredible. The hair will stand up on the back of your neck, and you’ll feel twenty years younger as you experience that remarkable thrill all over again. That’s the same feeling you’ll have as you read the all-new adaptation of Star Wars: A New Hope. Crafted completely from scratch by Bruce Jones, Eduardo Barreto, and longtime Star Wars artist Al Williamson, with a stunning cover by Greg and Tim Hildebrandt, this adaptation includes the new scenes from the Special Edition. For those who cannot wait for four monthly issues, and for the new readers who will surely come looking for this comic, we are publishing this simultaneously as a trade-paperback collection and as a four-issue, monthly comics series. Experience it again, for the very first time.

Nota wydawnicza (Marvel Comics, 2017)
Revisit the original space opera in a comic book adaptation of the special edition of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, the ultimate realization of George Lucas‘ creative vision! Meet once again young Luke Skywalker, whose destiny lies in the stars! And join him as he finds himself at the center of a Rebellion against the imposing Empire and its ruthless enforcer, Darth Vader! But what hope do the freedom fighters have of defeating the planet-destroying Imperial Death Star? With new scenes, including Han Solo’s early encounter with Jabba the Hutt, alongside classic moments with Leia, Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2-D2, Obi-Wan Kenobi and more, it’s everything you could want from Star Wars between two covers!

  • Album w kwietniu 2017 roku został wznowiony przez wydawnictwo Marvel Comics z nową ilustracją na okładce autorstwa Dave'a Dormana.
  • Historia zawarta w albumie ukazała się w Polsce w marcu 2019 roku w 33 tomie kolekcji Komiksy Star Wars Kolekcja wydanej przez DeAgostini Polska.

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TAGI: Al Williamson (24) bracia Hildebrandt (1) Bruce Jones (4) Carlos Garzon (11) Cary Porter (6) Dark Horse Comics (602) Dave Dorman (41) Eduardo Barreto (3) Epizod IV: Nowa nadzieja (44) Greg Hildebrandt (1) James Sinclair (3) Marvel Comics (385) Steve Dutro (4)


