Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Volume 1 :: Komiksy

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Volume 1

  • Scenariusz: Daniel José Older
  • Ilustracje: Harvey Tolibao, Manuel Bracchi, Nickolas Brokenshire, Pow Rodrix
  • Tusz:
  • Litery: Jake M. Wood, Johanna Nattalie
  • Kolory: Rebecca Nalty
  • Ilustracja okładki: Harvey Tolibao, Kevin Tolibao
  • Tłumaczenie:
  • Oryginalny tytuł: Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures Volume 1
  • Wydanie oryginalne: IDW Publishing, 16 listopada 2021
  • Wydanie polskie:
  • Objętość (oryg/pl): 120 stron
  • Cena (oryg/pl): 12,99 USD
  • Uniwersum:
  • Rodzaj publikacji: Album komiksowy / Wydanie zbiorcze
  • Seria komiksowa: The High Republic Adventures
  • Cykl wydawniczy:
  • Projekt multimedialny: Wielka Republika
  • Nota wydawnicza
  • Zawartość
  • Recenzje
  • Dodatkowe informacje
  • Galeria
Nota wydawnicza (IDW Publishing, 2021)
Two hundred years before the events of the Skywalker Saga, the galaxy is experiencing unparalleled peace–until a new enemy threatens everything the Jedi have built.

In the days of the High Republic, the Jedi are at the height of their power. But the emergence of the piratical, anarchic Nihil proves that even the most successful peace is fragile, and the Jedi’s influence is neither as pervasive nor as benevolent as they would believe.

Now Lula, Farzala, and Qort, inexperienced Jedi Padawans, must help the inhabitants of Trymant IV in the wake of a Nihil attack. All the while, they’ll face suspicion and outright opposition from a group of subversive citizens who resent and fear the Jedi. Two of those citizens, Zeen and Kriz, will have to decide whether to accept the Padawans’ aid or try to save the day on their own.

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures is part of a broader publishing initiative exploring a mysterious, bygone era of the Galactic Republic through comics and prose.

Collects Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures issues #1-5.
  • The High Republic Adventures #1-5

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Użytkownik Ocena Data
stormtrooper124 6 2023-08-25 14:39:08
Melethron 6 2023-02-24 12:00:25

TAGI: Daniel José Older (21) Harvey Tolibao (10) IDW Publishing (9) Jake M. Wood (3) Johanna Nattalie (2) Kevin Tolibao (4) Manuel Bracchi (1) Nickolas Brokenshire (2) Pow Rodrix (3) Rebecca Nalty (3) The High Republic Adventures (IDW Publishing) (5) Wielka Republika (The High Republic/Project Luminous) (85)


