Star Wars: Join the Resistance: Attack on Starkiller Base
- Autorstwo: Ben Acker, Ben Blacker
- Ilustracje: Annie Wu
- Ilustracja okładki: Annie Wu
- Tłumaczenie:
- Redakcja:
- Oryginalny tytuł: Star Wars: Join the Resistance: Attack on Starkiller Base
- Wydanie oryginalne: Disney-Lucasfilm Press, 31 lipca 2018
- Wydanie polskie:
- Objętość (oryg/pl): 224 strony
- Cena (oryg/pl): 12,99 USD
- Uniwersum:
- Rodzaj publikacji: Powieść młodzieżowa
- Seria powieściowa: Join the Resistance (3 z 3)
- Cykl wydawniczy:
- Projekt multimedialny:
- Nota wydawnicza
- Zawartość
- Recenzje
- Dodatkowe informacje
- Galeria
Nota wydawnicza (Disney-Lucasfilm Press, 2018)
If you want to be a hero… try being a friend first.
Usually, Mattis Banz and the other members of J-Squadron would be flying away from a First Order ship, not toward one. But this ship has their friend and squad mate Jo Jerjerrod aboard as a prisoner, and J-Squadron won’t stop until Jo is safely back with the Resistance. Their pursuit takes them to Starkiller Base, a planet that has been turned into a headquarters for the First Order – and a weapon capable of destroying entire star systems. Mattis and his friends need to rescue Jo and get off-planet as fast as they can so they can warn the Resistance about the secret base… but will they be able to stop squabbling among themselves? If there was ever a time for the members of J-Squadron to step up and become heroes, this is it!
If you want to be a hero… try being a friend first.
Usually, Mattis Banz and the other members of J-Squadron would be flying away from a First Order ship, not toward one. But this ship has their friend and squad mate Jo Jerjerrod aboard as a prisoner, and J-Squadron won’t stop until Jo is safely back with the Resistance. Their pursuit takes them to Starkiller Base, a planet that has been turned into a headquarters for the First Order – and a weapon capable of destroying entire star systems. Mattis and his friends need to rescue Jo and get off-planet as fast as they can so they can warn the Resistance about the secret base… but will they be able to stop squabbling among themselves? If there was ever a time for the members of J-Squadron to step up and become heroes, this is it!
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