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''Scum & Villainy'' i dwa mini dodatki na Bastionie

2012-09-13 20:11:35

Prace nad wirtualnym dodatkiem do Star Wars Miniatures, autorstwa międzynarodowego komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na, pod nazwą „Scum & Villainy” zakończyły się planowo przed konwentem GenCon 2012. V-set wprowadził do gry wiele ciekawych kart z postaciami, po które nie sięgnął wcześniej Wizards of the Coast w swoich oficjalnych dodatkach. Premiera „Scum & Villainy” to nie tylko 60 fanowskich kart, to także dwa inne mini dodatki, które urozmaicą grę wszystkim otwartym na nowości graczom.

Scum & Villainy” to największy jak dotąd zbiór zbirów z odległej galaktyki w wirtualnym świecie Star Wars Miniatures – w dodatku umieszczono aż 19 kart z frakcji Fringe. Pozostałe ekipy też dostały wsparcie, niektóre nad wyraz dobre. Pojawiło się kilka nowych umiejętności, które stanowią śmiertelną kompozycję z tym, co już w Star Wars Miniatures widzieliśmy.

Jedi vs Sith” to kolejna mini produkcja, będąca bonusem do właściwego v-seta. Postawiono w niej na najstarszy gwiezdnowojenny temat, czyli walkę Jedi i Sithów. Wśród kart znajdziemy klasyczne postacie jak i te z najnowszych produktów Expanded Universe, jak choćby w serii książkowej „Przeznaczenie Jedi”.

Epic Duos 2” to może bardziej odskocznia od klasycznego spojrzenia na Star Wars Miniatures, bo zestaw ten zawiera 6 mega silnych kart, których punkty bazowe plasują się powyżej 100 punktów. Ale epickie pojedynki zawsze stanowiły mocną stronę świata Gwiezdnych Wojen.

Zapraszamy do przeglądania galerii kart i pobierania plików w formacie pdf ułatwiających ich wydruk, które znajdziecie w artykułach na temat dodatków.

Kolejne informacje na temat ''Scum & Villainy''

2012-06-23 10:51:04

Czytelników Bastionu zainteresowanych rozwojem wirtualych dodatatków Star Wars Miniatures autorstwa komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na zapraszamy na kolejny raport z prac nad „Scum & Villainy”. Od czasu naszej ostatniej informacji pojawiła się wuchta nowych statystyk i kart postaci z różnych okresów historycznych i frakcji. „Scum & Villainy” mocno sięga po bohaterów z Expanded Universe – przede wszystkim różnego rodzaju szumowiny i przestępców. Kontrowersją dzisiejszej zapowiedzi może być dla wielu miniaturka Master Yoda (walcząca mieczem) przypisana do Rebelii lub też duch Qui-Gon Jinna, którego w Gwiezdnych Wojnach nie widzieliśmy a zaledwie słyszeliśmy w Epizodzie II (nie licząć trylogii „Mortis” w serialu „Wojny Klonów”, gdzie jego obecność nie została do końca wyjaśniona).

Old Republic Jedi Knight - Old Republic
Cost: 18
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 17
Attack: +7
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Melee Attack:ack, Squad Cover [+4 Defense:ense while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares], Synergy +2 [+2 Attack: while an allied Old Republic Jedi Knight is within 6 squares]
Force Powers: Force 2, Lightsaber Assault [Force 1, replaces Attack: Make 2 Attacks], Lightsaber Defense:lect [Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee Attack:, this character takes no Damage: age with a save of 11]
"For a hundred generations the Jedi have fought to protect the Republic!" —Unidentified humanoid Jedi, 5,000 BBY

Grodin Tierce's Clone - Imperial
Cost: 26
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 17
Attack: +10
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique; Double Attack, Imperial Triumvirate (add +2 to you initiative roll except on a 1, this bonus stacks), Rival (Can not be in a squad with Palleon or Thrawn), Tactician +2
Commander Effect: Non-unique followers get +2 Attack:ack and +2 Defense.

Shada D'ukal - Fringe
Cost: 28
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 18
Attack: +12
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique. Mistryl Shadow Guard, Bodyguard, Double Attack, Quick Reactions [+6 Attack:ack when making Attacks of opportunity], Quick Reflexes [+6 Defense when Attack:acked on Attack:s of opportunity], Stealth, Zenji Needle [Replaces Attack: Choose 1 enemy within line of sight, ignoring cover. 10 Damage to target enemy; save 16.]
"Do you know Shada D'ukal? She can be very disarming." —Han Solo

Padawan Learner - Old Republic
Cost: 9
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 16
Attack: +4
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Padawan-Can spend a unique allies force points, but can not combine with its own force points, Synergy - +2 Attack while a unique ally with a force rating is within 6 squares.
Force Powers: Force 1, Lightsaber Deflect

Ewok Chieftain – Fringe 38/60 Cost: 19
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 14
Attack: 6
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Double Attack, Momentum, Swarm +1
Commander Effect: Non unique Ewok allies who end their move within 6 squares of this character gain momentum.

BX Commando Droid Sniper – Separatist 14/60
Cost: 15
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 18
Attack: +10
Damage: 30
Special abilities: Droid, Accurate Shot, Careful Shot +4, Heavy Weapon, Intuition, Single Shot Blaster, Sniper, Stealth

Mandalorian Protector – Mandalorian 55/60
Cost: 17
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 17
Attack: +8
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Beskar'gam [When this character takes Damage, he reduces the Damage dealt by 10 with a save of 11], Bodyguard

Kenth Hamner - New Republic 10/60
Cost: 34
Hit Points: 100
Defense: 19
Attack: +11
Damage: 20
Special Abilites: Unique. Melee Attack; Double Attack, Gregarious [+4 Attack if an ally is within 6 squares], Melee Duelist [+4 Defense when Attacked by an adjacent enemy]
Force Powers: Force 4, Force Stun, Lightsaber Defense, Lightsaber Precision
Commander Effect: New Republic trooper followers within 6 squares gain Cunning Attack

Qui-Gon Jinn Force Spirit - Republic
Cost: 16
Hit Points: -
Defense: -
Attack: -
Special Abilities : Unique, Speed 4, Light Spirit, Mettle
Force Powers: Force 4, Sense The Future [2 Force Pints, Once per round you can exchange your initiative check with your opponent's.]
Commander Effect: Whenever a unique follower with a force rating is Defeated, another unique follower within 6 squares gets its remaining force points.

Master Yoda - Rebel
Cost: 44
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 20
Attack: 14
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack; Twin Attack, Affinity [May be in a Republic squad], Ataru Style [+4 Attack if exactly 1 enemy is within 6 squares], Jedi Trainer [At the start of the skirmish, choose an allied character with a Force rating. That ally gains 1 Force point and Ataru Style.] Force Powers: Force 3. Force Renewal 1; Master of the Force 2, Force Defense [Force 3: Cancel a Force power used by a character within 6 squares], Force Stun [Force 1, usable only on this character's turn; range 6; target living enemy is considered activated this round; save 11], Lightsaber Defense [Force 1: When hit by an Attack:ack, this character takes no Damage: age with a save of 11]
Commander Effect: At the end of its turn, if an ally with a Force rating made only one Attack this turn, it may make one additional Attack against the same enemy if it can. Allies with a lightsaber gain Lightsaber Defense.

Ponadto komitet ujawnił jedną kartę i jedną statystykę wypasionych lodów Sithów jakie wejdą w skład „dodatku do dodatku” „Jedi vs Sith”.

Lord Krayt - 6/12
Cost: 114
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 23
Attack: +17
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack; Triple Attack, Advantageous Attack [+10 Damage: age against an enemy who has not activated this round], Affinity [Non-Unique Imperials may be in your squad regardless of faction], Vonduun Crab Armor 6 [When this character takes Damage: age, he can reduce the Damage: age dealt by 10 with a save of 6]
Force Powers: Force 2. Force Renewal 1; Master of the Force 2, Essence of Life [Force 2: When a living ally within 6 squares would be Defeated, that ally makes a save of 11. On a success, that ally has 10 Hit Points instead of being Defeated.], Recovery 60 [Force 3, replaces turn: Remove 60 Damage from this character], Sith Rage [Force 1: +10 Damage on all Attacks this turn], Transfer Essence [Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: Choose 1 living ally. Remove that ally from play and place Lord Krayt in that ally's space; that ally is Defeated.]
Commander Effect: You can choose to activate only 1 character in each phase. (This includes Droid and Savage characters.)
"I have been through death and conquered it."

Więcej informacji już niedługo!

Pierwsze karty z ''Scum & Villainy''

2012-05-09 21:36:34

Od naszej pierwszej zapowiedzi nowego v-seta do Star Wars Miniatures autorstwa międzynarodowego komitetu graczy zrzeszonego na forum minęły dwa tygodnie. W tym okresie do sieci wyciekło kilka nowych informacji, przede wszystkim 4 zrzuty kart. Dzięki nim wiemy, że logiem dodatku będzie ryjek Rodianina. Pierwszymi „okartowanymi” postaciami „Scum & Villainy” są: Bao-Dur w nowym, bardzo potężnym, wcieleniu, Sith Blademaster (odpowiednik Jedi Battlemaster), łowca nagród Embo znany z serialu „Wojny Klonów” oraz Rodian Assassin.

Jakby tego było mało, wrzucamy dwie nowe statystyki:

Elite Old Republic Soldier – Old Republic 2/60
Cost: 12
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 14
Attack: +5
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Soldier (counts as name Old Republic Soldier), Cunning Attack +20, Deceptive

Jedi Battlemaster – Republic 12/60
Cost: 28
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 19
Attack: +10
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Double Attack, Affinity [May be in a New Republic squad], Djem So Style
Force Powers: Force 3, Brutal Strike [Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: This character's attacks cannot be prevented and enemy characters attacked by this character cannot use special abilities or Force powers that respond to this character's attacks for the rest of the turn], Force Push 1 [Force 1, replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage; push back target 1 square if Huge or smaller], Lightsaber Block [Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11], Lightsaber Throw 1 [Force 1, replaces attacks: Attack 1 enemy within 6 squares]

Kolejna zapowiedź pojawi się za dwa tygodnie.

Scum & Villainy

2012-04-24 20:02:27 komix za

Od premiery ostatniego wirtualnego dodatku do Star Wars Miniatures upłynęły 2 miesiące. „Vengeance” wprowadziło do gry wiele ciekawych postaci, których zabrakło w produktach Wizards of the Coast. Tymczasem międzynarodowy komitet graczy zrzeszony na hardo pracuje nad kolejny v-setem, który okrzyknięto popularną wśród gwiezdnowojennych gier planszowo-karcianych nazwą: „Scum & Villainy”. Osią tego dodatku będą szumowiny galaktyki, dlatego właśnie frakcja Fringe zyska najwięcej kart, ale inne nie pozostaną bez wsparcia. Ilościowy podział sił w „Scum & Villainy” wyglądać będzie następująco:

  • Old Rpeublic – 6,
  • Sith – 6,
  • Republic – 6,
  • Separatist – 3,
  • Rebel – 5,
  • Imperial – 3,
  • New Republic – 5,
  • Fringe – 16,
  • Mandalorian – 5,
  • Yuuzhan Vong – 5.

    Z dnia na dzień pojawia się coraz więcej „przecieków” z obrad komitetu, dzięki czemu znamy kilka statystyk. Garść z nich prezentujemy poniżej:

    Crimson Nova Guild Leader – Fringe 35/60
    Cost: 30
    Hit Points: 70
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +9
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Accurate Shot, Bounty Hunter +4, Jedi Hunter, Rapport (Characters with Bounty Hunter cost 1 less in a squad with this character)
    Commander Effect: Non-unique followers with Bounty Hunter within 6 squares gain Jedi Hunter

    IG-88A – Fringe
    Cost: 48
    Hit Points: 120
    Defense: 20
    Attack: +13
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Droid, Twin Attack, Shields 1, Assassin, Replication (Your squad may contain up to 3 other characters whose name contains IG-88, as long as they have different names, ignoring Unique), Camaraderie (Allied characters whose name contains IG-88 gains Shields 1)
    Commander Effect: Allies whose name contains IG-88 within 6 gain Twin Attack

    Squib Trader – Fringe
    Cost: 10
    Hit Points: 10
    Attack: +1
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Communications Supplies (Replaces turn, choose 1 adjacent ally to gain Relay Orders), Explosive Supplies (Replaces turn, choose 1 adjacent ally to gain Satchel Charge)

    Alexi Garyn, Head of the Black Sun – Fringe 32/60
    Cost: 25
    Hit Points: 80
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Black Sun Vigo, Doctrine of Fear [Enemy characters within 6 squares get -4 Attack], Rapport [Black Sun characters cost 1 less when in the same squad as this character], Ruthless [Critical hits from this character cannot be prevented or redirected], Vicious Attack [Triple damage instead of double on a critical hit]
    Commander Effect: At the end of this character's turn, 1 non-Unique Black Sun ally within 6 squares can make an immediate attack.

    Vua Rapuung – Yuuzhan Vong
    Cost: 28
    Hit Points: 80
    Defense: 19
    Attack: +12
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack; Greater Mobile Attack Affinity [May be in a squad with a character whose name contains Anakin Solo], Counterattack [Whenever this character is hit by a melee attack, make a save of 11. On a success, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker.], Force Immunity [Enemies cannot affect this character with Force powers, or spend Force points to reroll attacks against this character or to respond to this character's attacks and abilities], Shamed One [This character ignores special abilities from Yuuzhan Vong allies that alter its printed Attack or Damage rating], Vonduun Crab Armor 6 [When this character takes damage, he can reduce the damage dealt by 10 with a save of 6]

    Tekli – New Republic 31/60
    Cost: 25
    Hit Poinrs: 70
    Defense: 18
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Augment Healing, Force Bond [An ally whose name contains Cilghal gains Augment Healing], Stealth
    Force Powers: Force 4, Force Heal 20, Lightsaber Block

    Princess Leia, Rebel Commando – Rebel
    Cost: 19
    Hit Poinrs: 60
    Defense: 15
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Unique, Accurate Shot [Can attack an enemy with cover even if it's not the nearest enemy], Cunning Attack [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round], Stealth [If this character has cover, she does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets], Versatility [At the start of the skirmish, after set-up, you may replace this character with another character of an equal or lesser cost who counts as Leia. The chosen replacement gains one of this character's other special abilities. If the replacement's cost is at least 5 less than this character's cost, she also gains this character's commander effect.]
    Force Powers: Force 2, Surprise Attack [Force 2; Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can make an immediate attack]
    Commander Effect: Unique Rebel allies within 6 squares get +10 Damage while this character is wounded.

    SpecForce Technician – Rebel
    Cost: 15
    Hit Points: 30
    Defense: 14
    Attack: +1
    Damage: 10
    Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Blaster Upgrade [Allies within 6 squares with nonmelee attacks that deal exactly 10 damage gain Twin Attack (Whenever this character attacks, it makes 1 extra attack against the same target)], Munitions Supplies [Replaces turn: Choose 1 adjacent ally to gain Grenades 10 (Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11) for the rest of the skirmish], Rig Blaster [Allies within 6 squares with nonmelee attacks that deal exactly 10 damage gain Jolt (An enemy hit by this character's attack is considered activated this round; save 11. Huge and larger characters ignore this effect.)], Stealth [If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets]

    Lowbacca – New Republic 29/60
    Cost: 29
    Hit Points: 110
    Defense: 19
    Attack: +10
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Unique, Wookiee, Melee Attack, Double Attack, Advanced Door Gimmick [at the end of his turn, this character can designate 1 door that he can see as open; and cannot be closed until the end of this character's next turn, or until defeated], Industrial Repair 20, Jedi Bodyguard, Momentum, Repair 20
    Force Powers: Force 3, Force Push 1, Lightsaber Block

    Sith Knight – Sith 9/60
    Cost: 20
    Hit Points: 60
    Defense: 17
    Attack: +8
    Damage: 20
    Special Abilities: Melee Attack
    Force Powers: Force 2, Dispassionate Killer [Force 1: +4 Attack and +20 Damage until the end of this character's turn. At the end of that turn, make a save of 11. If the save fails, this character is immediately defeated.], Lightsaber Block

    Kolejnymi potwierdzonymi miniaturkami (na razie bez statystyk) są: Marka Ragnos, Dark Force Spirit, Embo, Rakghoul Warrior i być może Chewbacca in AT-ST.

    Mini dodatek jaki będzie towarzyszył „Scum & Villainy” będzie nosił tytuł „Jedi & Sith” i będzie nawiązywał do gry „The Old Republic”. Więcej informacji zaprezentuje wkrótce.

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