Command of the Galaxy :: Newsy


''Command of the Galaxy'' w całej okazałości

2013-09-12 22:14:28

Fani Star Wars Miniatures od marca mogli ekscytować się zapowiedziami kolejnego wirtualnego dodatku do bitewniaka autorstwa międzynarodowego komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na Początkowo informacji na temat "Command of the Galaxy" nie było wiele, ale im bliżej tradycyjnego sierpniowego terminu premiery, tym przecieków z komitetu pojawiało się więcej. I mimo tego, że w obecnej rzeczywistości z prężnie rozwijającym się i polonizowanym X-Wingiem, emocjonowanie się miniaturkami to wręcz imprezowanie na stypie, można sobie grę nieźle urozmaicić. Oczywiście trzeba mieć zaparcie by przez wszystkie dodane karty przedrzeć się i wyłowić, to co nas interesuje. Łącznie miniaturek Star Wars: oficjalnych i tych komitetowych jest już grubo ponad 1000.

"Command of the Galaxy" jak każdy inny v-set ma swoją specyfikę i w tym przypadku jest nim postawienie na mocnych dowódców. Z tego dobrodziejstwa korzysta każda frakcja. Ale w dodatku znajdziemy także wielu łowców nagród i bohaterów wojennych, po których nie sięgnęła firma Wizards of the Coast. Jednak należy zwrócić uwagę, że kilka postaci dostało także nowe wcielenia, dlatego miłośnicy "luków", "wejderów" czy "sidjusów" znajdą coś dla siebie. Wszystkie karty dodatku zestawione w przygotowanym do druku pliku pdf znajdziecie tutaj! Poniżej prezentujemy piątkę ciekawszych kart z "Command of the Galaxy":

Jakby tego było wam mało, to plik z nowym v-setem zawiera także dwunastokartowy mini dodatek "Vehicles of War", który na nowo "odkrywa" zalety miniaturek typu large i huge.

kliknij by pobrać wirtualny dodatek do Star Wars Miniatures pt. "Command of the Galaxy" (pdf)

W ciąglu najbliższych kilku dni na Bastionie pojawi się galeria kart "Command of the Galaxy" i "Vehicles of War", tak więc bacznie obserwujcie rubrykę "ostatnie artukuły".


Command of the Galaxy – zapowiedź #2

2013-07-12 21:26:40 forum Star Wars Games

Międzynarodowy komitet graczy zrzeszonych na forum Star Wars Games pracuje nad nowym dodatkiem - "Command of the Galaxy". Pod koniec maja prezentowaliśmy pierwsze 9 statystyk, tymczasem przyszła pora na nowości. W dzisiejszej zapowiedzi mamy przyjemność przedstawić 12 świeżych statystyk, a wśród nich: jabiimski wódz fanatyk Alto Stratus, deklonłorsowa Asajj Ventress, bohater bitwy o Endor Luke Skywalker, mistrz nad mistrzami Lucen Draay, sithańska kochanica Bena Skywalkera Vestara Khai oraz deoldrepablikowa Shae Vizla. Co ciekawe nie znamy jeszcze wyglądu kart jakie będę przeznaczone dla "Command of the Galaxy", a tym samym loga dodatku. Nie pozostaje nam nic innego jak czekać na kolejne informacje.

Alto Stratus 15/60
Faction: Separatist
Cost: 34
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 18
Attack: +12
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack; Double Attack, Ambush [Can move and then make all his attacks against 1 enemy who has not activated this round], Independent Outfit [Also counts as a Fringe character for the purpose of commander effects], Jedi Hatred +20 [+20 Damage against enemies with Force ratings], Never Tell Me the Odds [Suppresses enemy special abilities that modify initiative], Parry [When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11], Stable Footing [Not slowed by difficult terrain or low objects], Independent [Your squad may not contain more than one other Separatist commander]
Commander Effect: Allies whose names contain Nimbus gain Bravado +10 [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy with a higher point cost] and Ambush. Non-Unique Separatist followers gain Independent Outfit

Old Republic Rocket Jumper
Cost: 15
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 16
Attack: +8
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Double Attack, Ambush, Bravado +10, Flight, Recon

Asajj Ventress, Nightsister 16/60
Faction: Separatist
Cost: 35
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 18
Attack: +8
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Niman Style, Assassin, Bounty Hunter +2, Parry, Twin Attack, Stable Footing
Force Powers: Force 4, Force Cloak, Force Grip, Master Speed

Tetan Shock Trooper 7/60
Faction: Sith
Cost: 14
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 16
Attack: +6
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Double Attack, Brainwashed [If this character cannot make an attack from its starting space, it must end its move adjacent to an enemy if it can], Mighty Swing [On its turn, if this character doesn't move, it gets +10 Damage against adjacent enemies]

Luke Skywalker, Hero of Endor 24/60
Faction: Rebel
Cost: 44
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 21
Attack: +14
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Double Attack; Twin Attack, Djem So Style [Whenever this character is hit by a melee attack, make a save of 11. On a success, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker.], Versatility [At the start of the skirmish, after set-up, you may replace this character with another character of an equal or lesser cost who counts as Luke Skywalker. The chosen replacement gains one of this character's other special abilities. If the replacement's cost is at least 5 less than this character's cost, he also gains this character's commander effect.]
Force Powers: Force 3. Force Renewal 1, Knight Speed [Force 1: Can move 4 extra squares on his turn as part of his move], Lightsaber Assault [Force 1, replaces attacks: Make 2 attacks], Lightsaber Defense [When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11], Overwhelming Force [Force 1: This character's attacks can't be prevented or redirected this turn]

Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight 9/60
Faction: Republic
Cost: 29
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 19
Attack: +10
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack; Twin Attack, Ataru Style [+4 Attack if exactly one enemy is within 6 squares], Stealth [If this character has cover, she does not count as the nearest enemy for an attacker farther than 6 squares when choosing targets], Synergy +2 [+2 Attack and +2 Defense while an ally whose name contains Quinlan Vos is within 6 squares]
Force Powers: Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Brutal Strike [Force 1, usable only on this character's turn: This character's attacks cannot be prevented and enemy characters attacked by this character cannot use special abilities or Force powers that respond to this character's attacks for the rest of the turn], Force Pull 2 [Force 2, replaces attacks: range 6; Move target Large or smaller enemy adjacent to this character. Make an immediate attack against that enemy.], Lightsaber Sweep [Force 1, replaces attacks: Can attack each adjacent enemy once]

Chiss Captain 43/60
Faction: Fringe
Cost: 16
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 16
Attack: +7
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Double Attack, Backlash [This character can move and then make all of its attacks against 1 enemy who has already activated this round], Deceptive [+10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round], Recon [Roll twice for initiative once per round, choosing either roll, if any character with Recon in the same squad has line of sight to an enemy]
Commander Effect: Non-Unique Fringe followers gain Backlash and Deceptive.

Lucien Draay, Jedi Master 3/60
Faction: Old Republic
Cost: 57
Hit Points: 130
Defense: 21
Attack: +15
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Covenant, Speed 8, Melee Attack, Triple Attack, Shii-Cho Style [+4 Attack and +4 Defense while 3 or more enemies are within 6 squares]
Force Powers: Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Master of the Force 2, Dispassionate Killer [Force 1: +4 Attack and +20 Damage until the end of this character's turn. At the end of that turn, make a save of 11. If the save fails, this character is immediately defeated.], Force Push 3 [Force 3, replaces turn: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target, and push back target and each character adjacent to that target 3 squares if Huge or smaller], Lightsaber Defense [Force 1: When hit by an attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11], Lightsaber Riposte [Force 1: When hit by a melee attack, this character can make an immediate attack against that attacker]
Commander Effect: Covenant followers gain Speed 8; At the end of this character's turn, 1 Covenant follower within 6 squares may make an immediate attack

Vestara Khai 8/60
Faction: Sith
Cost: 22
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 18
Attack: +9
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Lost Tribe, Melee Attack, Twin Attack, Affinity [May be in a squad with a character named Ben Skywalker regardless of faction], Cunning Attack [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has not activated this round], Shikkar [Replaces turn, usable once per skirmish: touch; deal 10 damage to a living enemy. For the rest of the skirmish, each time that enemy activates it takes 10 damage; this damage cannot be prevented.], Vicious Attack [Triple damage instead of double on a Critical hit]
Force Powers: Force 3, Force Push 3 [Force 3, replaces turn: range 6; 30 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target, and push back target and each character adjacent to that target 3 squares if Huge or smaller], Lightsaber Deflect [Force 1: When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11]

Bothan Spymaster 23/60
Fction: Rebel
Cost: 11
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 15
Attack: +5
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Cloaked [If this character has cover, it cannot be targeted by nonadjacent enemies], EMP Grenades [A nonliving character that is subject to this character's Grenades ability is considered activated this round; save 11. Huge and larger characters ignore this effect.], Grenades 10 [Replaces attacks: range 6; 10 damage to target and to each character adjacent to that target; save 11], Traps [Enemy characters within 6 squares get -4 Defense]

Praetorite Vong Scout 59/60
Faction: Yuuzhan Vong
Cost: 9
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 11
Attack: +1
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Vong Warrior, Melee Attack, Cloacked, Force Immunity, Forward Positioning, Pathfinder, Recon, Stable Footing

Shae Vizla 55/60
Faction: Mandalorian
Cost: 32
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 18
Attack: +12
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Mobile Attack, Flight, Affinity (Sith), Bounty Hunter +4, Flamethrower 20, Jedi Hatred, Missles 20, Stealth, Overload [You may use two abilities that replace attack in a turn]

Kolejne statystyki zaprezentujemy za około dwa tygodnie.

Command of the Galaxy – zapowiedź #1

2013-05-26 13:18:08 forum Star Wars Games

Przy okazji premiery piątego wirtualnego dodatku do Star Wars Miniatures autorstwa międzynarodowego komitetu graczy zrzeszonych na SWMGamers.comGalactic Heroes” uchylono rąbka tajemnicy na temat kolejnego v-seta jakim będzie „Command of the Galaxy”. Ten dodatek ma skupić się na dowódcach znanych w uniwersum Gwiezdnych Wojen i rozwijać umiejętności „wodzów”. Do dziś poza potwierdzonymi statystykami, które prezentujemy poniżej, wiadomo że swoje karty dostaną takie osobowości jak: admirał Motti czy Chewbacca. W „Command of the Galaxy” pojawią się wszystkie frakcje. Poniżej prezentujemy garstkę statystyk, które ujrzały światło dzienne.

Clone Trooper with Flamethrower 13/60
Faction: Republic
Cost: 11
Hit Points: 20
Defense: 14
Attack: +0
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Burning Attacks, Flamethrower 20

Quinlan Vos, Double Agent 14/60
Faction: Republic
Cost: 39
Hit Points: 110
Defense: 21
Attack: +12
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee, Double, Affinity Seps, Assassin, Ataru Style Mastery, Con Artist, Internal Strife, It's a Trap!, Vaapad-Style Fighting
Force Powers: Force 2, Renewal 1, Force Cloak, Force Grip 1, Force Lightning 1

Neimodian Trooper 19/60
Faction: Separatist
Cost: 12
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 14
Attack: +7
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Accurate Shot, Careful Shot +4, Deadeye

Biggs Darklighter, Rebel Pilot 22/60 Faction: Rebel
Cost: 27
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 17
Attack: +10
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique. Double Attack; Greater Mobile Attack, Red Squadron Ace [Counts as a character named Red Squadron Ace], Bravado +10 [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an adjacent enemy with a higher point cost], Camaraderie [An ally whose name contains Luke Skywalker gains Pilot], Evade [When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, this character takes no damage with a save of 11], Squad Assault [+4 Attack while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares]

"He had that smirk, the one he'd give you when he'd done something you couldn't." - Gavin Darklighter

Captian Needa 29/60
Faction: Imperial
Cost: 11
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 14
Attaack: +4
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Unique
Commander Effect: Once per turn, each non-unique Imperial follower may reroll a missed attack at +4 Attack. If the result is still a miss this character is defeated

Veteran Snowtrooper 33/60
Faction: Imperial
Cost: 11
Hit Points: 30
Defense: 18
Attack: +5
Damage: 20
Special Abilties: Squad Cover [+4 Defense while 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares], Stable Footing [Not slowed by difficult terrain or low objects]

Jedi Trainee 38/60
Faction: New Republic
Cost: 18
Hit Points: 50
Defense: 16
Attack: +6
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Melee, Padawan, Trainee (While Adjacent to an ally with Melee Atk and a Force Rating this character uses the printed Atk and Def of itself or the Ally whichever is higher)
Force Powers: Force 2, Lightsaber Defense, Lightsaber Flurry

Zekk 40/60
Faction: New Republic
Cost: 31
Hit Points: 90
Defense: 18
Attack: +9
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique. Melee Attack, Twin, Pilot, Stealth, Synergy (+2/+2 when within 6 of an ally whose name contains Jaina)
Force Powers: Force 4, Dark Temptation, Force Leap, Force Pull 2 (force 2; replace attacks, range 6, Move target large or smaller enemy adjacent to this character. Make an immediate attack against that enemy), Lightsaber Sweep

Bespin Guard Captain 41/60
Faction: Fringe
Cost: 13
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 14
Attack: +6
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Bespin Guard [Counts as a character named Bespin Guard], Advantageous Cover [+8 Defense from cover instead of +4], Camaraderie [An ally named Lando Calrissian gains Opportunist], Opportunist [+4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round], Rapport [Costs 1 less when in the same squad as a character named Lando Calrissian]
Commander Effect: Allies whose names contain Bespin Guard gain Double Attack.

Mini dodatek do dodatku będzie nosił nazwę „Vehicles of War”. Obecnie z jego zawartości ujawniono miniaturki: URoRRuR'R'R on Bantha oraz nową wersję legendarnego AT-AT.

Więcej ciekawostek i statystyk opublikujemy wkrótce!