18 kwietnia w Polsce kolejny film Ryana Cooglera (tego od Czarnych Panter z Marvela). Ma to być horror o wampirach, toczący się w latach 30-tych. W roli braci bliźniaków powracających do rodzinnego miasteczka występuje Michael B. Jordan. Oprócz niego między innymi Hailee Steinfeld i Jack O’Connell.
Jak mówi reżyser:
"There are vampires in the film but it`s really about a lot more than just that. It`s one of many elements, and I think we`re gonna surprise people with it."
"When you think about the vampire as it exists, it`s got an association and a counterpart in almost every culture, but it is the supernatural creature that`s most associated with seduction, that`s most associated with choice. You know, in that aspect, it`s something that`s very present in, you know, blues music was often called the devil`s music"
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