Star Wars RPG d20 - Opis postaci (Dziedzictwo Mocy) :: RPG



Lumiya. Dark Lady of the Sith CL 19 Medium Human soldier 5/scoundrel 3/ace pilot 3/Force adept 3/Sith apprentice 3/Sith Lord 2
Destiny 2; Force 7; Dark Side 18 Init +18 ;
Senses low-light vision; Perception +18 Languages Basic, Bocce, Sith
Defenses Ref 42 (flat-footed 38). Fort 34, Will 38 hp 125; Threshold 34 Immune fear
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightwhip +20 (2d4+ 10; reach 2) or
Melee lightwhip +18 (3d4+ 10; reach 2) with Rapid Strike
Ranged patm blaster +20 (3d6+9)
Base Atk +16; Grp +20
Atk Options Channel Aggression, Channel Anger, Combat Reflexes, Rapid Strike, Space hound Special Actions Equilibrium, Power of the Dark Side, temptation
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +23): battlestrike(2). dark rage, farseeing, Farce grip, Farce slam, Farce stun, mind trick, negate energy (2)
Force Techniques Improved Force Trance, Improved Telepathy Force Secret Quicken Power o Abilities Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 18
~ Special Qualities fearless, temptation, vehicle dodge + 1 lID Talents Armored Defense, Channel Aggression, Channel Anger, Dark Side Adept, Dark Side Master, Equilibrium, Force Pilot, Improved Armored Defense, Power of the Dark Side, Spacehound, Swift Power, Vehicular Evasion
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium). Combat Reflexes, Force Sensitive, Force Training (2). Improved Defenses,
Rapid Strike, Skill Focus (Deception). Skill Focus (Use the Force).
Skill Training(Deception). Vehicular Combat, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency
(Lightsabers, pistols, rifles, simple weapons)
Skills Deception +23, Endurance + 15, Initiative + 18, Knowledge (tactics)
+16, Mechanics + 15, Perception + 18, Pilot +23, Use the Force +23 (can reroll when activating a (dark side] Force power, must take second result or spend Force Point and take better result)
Possessions lightwhip, custom armor (as armored flight suit with helmet package; modified, +8 armor).
Cybernetic prosthetics (4, both arms and legs, equipped with palm blaster assemblies in each arm). utility belt with medpac, Sith robes.
Palm Blasters-The Dark Lady's prosthetic arms conceal blasters, the barrels of which open in the palms of her hands. As a swift action, she can "draw" the blasters and fire them as if they were blaster pistols. A power pack contained inside her body powers these weapons.

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TAGI: RPG D20 (33) Statystyki RPG (14)