Star Wars RPG d20 - Opis postaci (Dziedzictwo Mocy) :: RPG


Jariah Syn

Jariah Syn CL 11
Medium scoundrel 5/noble 4/ace pilot 2 Force 8 Init +12;
Senses Perception +6 Languages Basic, 3 others
Defenses Ref 27 (flat-footed 25), Fort 23 (28 against extreme heat or cold), Will 23
hp 66; Threshold 23 Speed 6 squares
Melee vibroblade +9 (2d6+5) or
Melee vibroblade +4 (2d6+5) and
vibrulJlaut +4 (2d6+ S) with
Double Attack Ranged blaster pistol +8 (3d6+5) or
Ranged hold-out blaster pistol +8 (3d6+5)
Base Atk +6; Grp +8 Atk Options
Double Attack (advanced melee weapons), Hyperdriven ,
Melee Defense, Point Blank Shot, Spacehound,
Starship Raider Special Actions Demand Surrender, Presence, Quick Draw
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 17
Special Qualities vehicle dodge + 1 Talents Demand Surrender, Hyperdriven, Presence, Spacehound, Starship Raider, Vehicular Evasion
I Feats Double Attack (advanced melee weapons), Linguist, Melee Defense,
Point Blank Shot. Quick Draw, Skill Training (Persuasion)' Toughness,
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (advanced melee weapons), Weapon
Proficiency (advanced melee weapons, pistols, simple weapons)
Skills Deception +13, Gather Information +13, Initiative +12, Knowledge (tactics) +11, Persuasion
+13, Pilot +12 Possessions vibroblade, blaster pistol, hold-out blaster pistol in
concealed holster, encrypted comlink, all-temperature cloak,
utility belt.

1 2 3 (4) 5 6 7

TAGI: RPG D20 (33) Statystyki RPG (14)