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Rycerz Imperialny

Imperial Knight CL 10 Medium Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 3 Force 6; Dark Side 3 " Init +12; Senses
Perception +11 Languages Basic Defenses Ref 29 (flat-footed 27). Fort 28, Will 24; Deflect hp 109; Threshold 28
Speed 6 squares
Melee lightsaber +15 (2d8+9) or
Melee ligh tsaber + 13 (3d8+9) with Rapid Strike or
Melee lightsaber + 11' (2d8+ 17) or
Melee li ghtsaber + 13' (3d8+22) with Powerful Charge and Rapid Strike
Base Atk + 10; Grp +13
Atk Options Battle Meditation, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Rapi d Strike Special Actions
Equilibrium, Redirect Shot Force Powers Known (Use the Force + 10): battle strike, Farce slam,
rebuke, surge
Force Techniques Force Point Recovery
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Special Qualities build lightsaber
Talents Armored Defense, Battle Meditation, Deflect, Equilibrium, Improved Armored Defense, Redirect
Shot Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Force Sensitivity, Force Training,
Improved Defenses, Power Attack, Powerful Charge, Rapid Strike, Weapon Focus (Iightsabersl.
Weapon Proficiency (Iightsabers, simple weapons)
Skills Endurance +13, Initiative + 12, Use the Force +10 Possessions lightsaber (self-built). battle
armor (+8 armor, +2 equipment). comlink, cortosis gauntlet, various personal belongings
, Inclu des 4 points of Power Attock.

1 2 3 (4) 5 6 7 8

TAGI: RPG D20 (33) Statystyki RPG (14)