
Pierwsze statystyki z ''Vengeance''

2011-11-28 18:37:13 forum Star Wars Games

W sierpniu pojawiła się pierwsza zapowiedź „Vengeance” – trzeciego wirtualnego dodatku do Star Wars Miniatures przygotowywanego przez międzynarodowy komitet graczy zrzeszony na Polski łącznik we władzach komitetu – komix przerzucił pierwsze potwierdzone statystyki nowego v-seta na forum Star Wars Games. Dziś już wiemy, że premiera „Vengeance” zapowiedziana została na luty 2012. Jeżeli chcecie być na bieżąco z najnowszymi rewelacjami prosto od komitetu to zapraszamy do regularnego odwiedzania tego tematu na forum Star Wars Games.

Tymczasem zapraszamy do zapoznania się z pierwszymi statystykami dodatku, które prezentujemy poniżej. Dotyczą one: Łowczyni (przyszła Darth Cognus) z książki „Darth Bane: Dynastia zła”, kapiana Ordo – bohatera serii książek „Komandosi Republiki”, widywany już wcześniej Corran Horn, kolejna znana i lubiana książkowa postać Królowa Matka Tenel Ka a także Cassus Fett z komiksów „Rycerze Starej Republiki”.

The Huntress 11/60
Faction: Sith
Cost: 38
Hit Points: 80
Defense: 18
Attack: 11
Damage: 10
Special Abilities: Unique: Counts as Darth Cognus, Great Mobile Attack, Twin, Evade, Parry, Poisoned Blade 10, Exploding Pistols (Replaces turn; usable only once per skirmish, sight, choose two target enemies, or the same enemy twice. The target and each character adjacent to the enemy take 20 damage and are activated, save 11. Repeat for the second target. For the remainder of the skirmish, this character has melee attack.)
Force Powers: Force 3, Force Supression (Force 2, replaces attacks, for rest of skirmish gains this Force Ability: each enemy character within 6 squares spends one extra force point every time they spend force points.)

Arc Trooper Captain Ordo 17/60
Faction: Republic
Cost: 34
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 19
Attack: 11
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Twin Attack, Beskar'gam, Master Slicer, Splash 10, Verpine Shatter Rifle (replaces turn; choose enemy within line of sight, ignore cover. Attack that enemy)
Commander Effect: Followers whose name contain Arc Trooper gain Twin and Verpine Shatter Rifle.

Corran Horn, Jedi Master (numer niepotwierdzony)
Faction: New Republic
Cost: 60
Hit Points: 140
Defense: 21
Attack: 14
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Melee Attack, Melee Reach 2, Triple Attack, Opportunist, Pilot, Jedi Reflexes
Force Powers: Force 2, Force Renewal 1, Absorb Energy, Force Absorb, Jedi Mind Trick 2, Knight Speed

Queen Mother Tenel Ka 40/60
Faction: New Republic
Cost: 33
Hit Points: 100
Defense: 20
Attack: 12
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Melee Attack, Unique, Double Attack, Empathy (Allies with Savage within 6 squares lose Savage), Evade, Rival (This character cannot be in a squad that contains any character whose name contains Xizor or Black Sun)
Force Powers: Force 4, Force Whirlwind, Knight Speed
Commander Effect: Non-Unique followers within 6 squares gain Deadeye [On this character's turn, if it doesn't move, it gets +10 Damage]

Cassus Fett 48/60
Faction: Mandalorian
Cost: 37
Hit Points: 70
Defense: 18
Attack: 12
Damage: 20
Special Abilities: Unique, Twin Attack, Beskar'gam, Coordinated Command (allied Mando commanders gain relay orders), Never Tell me the Odds, Rapport (costs 1 less when in a squad with Mandalore the Ultimate), Relay Orders, Synergy +4 (Mandalor the Ultimate gets +4 Attack and +4 Defense when within 6 of this character)
Commander Effect: At the end of this character's turn chose one non unique Mandalorian follower within 2 squares. Until the end of that round that follower gains Fire Support Mission.

TAGI: Międzynarodowy komitet graczy Star Wars Miniatures (30) Vengeance (4)


  • Master of the Force2011-11-29 17:57:00

    Corran Horn i Cassus Fett bardzo fajni :)

  • Skywalker5602011-11-28 21:29:12

    Figurkowa gra bitewna.

  • Commander22242011-11-28 21:18:15

    Nie no... To pytanie mnie rozwaliło!

  • Arjon2011-11-28 20:30:23

    Sry za pytanie, ale co to jest sw miniatures, karcianka?

