FORUM Nowa Era Jedi

Knightfall - zaginiona ksiażka

Lord Sidious 2003-10-26 20:30:00

Lord Sidious


Rejestracja: 2001-09-05

Ostatnia wizyta: 2024-10-09

Skąd: Wrocław

Pierwsze pytanie - czy słyszał z Was ktokolwiek coś na temat tej trylogii, która miała wejść w skład NEJ, ale została wykasowana przez redaktorów?

Co byście powiedzieli, gdyby za jakiś czas przeedytowano ją i wydano jako uzupełnienie do NEJ. Cy to nie byłoby fajne?

  • Oto

    Valorum 2003-10-26 20:47:00



    Rejestracja: 2002-03-17

    Ostatnia wizyta: 2024-03-02

    Skąd: Łódź

    pozycje, które miały być, ale je odwołano:
    -4,000 BSW4

    “Star Wars Adventure Journal ??: Light and Shadow.”
    A self - exiled Jedi Knight tries to come to grasp with his fall from grace — and his solution may come in the form of a Force - sensitive little girl…
    (PLANNED SHORT STORY—West End Games—Paul Danner--???? ????)

    -33 BSW4

    “Jedi Council.”
    12 adventures of 12 members of the Jedi Council of Coruscant.
    (PLANNED 12 COMIC ONE-SHOTS—Dark Horse Comics—Various Authors—June-??? 2000, cancelled in favor of Acts of War)

    -32 BSW4

    “The Essential Guide to Episode I.”
    A datafile is compiled concerning the events, characters, creatures, and technology that centred around the recent Battle of Naboo.
    (PLANNED BOOK—Del Rey--????—December 2000)

    -1 BSW4

    “Bungo n’ Rusti Get the Record!”
    Bungo Bung and his female - programmed droid Rusti get into a smuggling race with Unga G’Lunga, to see how fast it can take them to haul cargo to an end destination. Nevertheless, the ironic fate is, in the end, both get equal times.
    (PLANNED SHORT COMIC—West End Games—James Anderson--???? 1999)

    “Biggs Darklighter: Blaze of Glory.”
    Biggs Darklighter leaves his farm on Tatooine for the Imperial Academy. Before long, he and his classmates become Imperial fugitives after staging a mutiny on the Imperial vessel ‘Rand Ecliptic’. Once he joins the Rebellion, he meets up with his long time friend Luke Skywalker, and the two fight side by side at the Battle of Yavin; where Biggs is killed in a blaze of glory by Darth Vader.
    (PLANNED ONE-SHOT—Star Wars Galaxy Magazine--????--??? ????)

    Year 0

    “101 Neks.”
    Bungo Bung is given the strangest and probably hardest job of his career — take care of over a hundred dangerous nek puppies in order to smuggle them off Tatooine. However, it is not as easy as it sounds…
    (PLANNED SHORT COMIC—West End Games—James Anderson--???? 1999)

    “Bungo n’ Rusti On Strike!”
    Protesting the unfair SoroSuub company, Bungo Bung and Rusti find themselves targets of Mephout bounty hunter Klehoora Foon…
    (PLANNED SHORT COMIC—West End Games—James Anderson--???? 1999)

    After a crash - landing, Bungo Bung and Rusti find themselves stranded on an unknown planet, with no rescue teams in sight and limited supplies…
    (PLANNED SHORT COMIC—West End Games—James Anderson--???? 2000)

    “Bungo n’ Rusti Join the Rebellion?!!”
    When Nien Nunb intercepts their cargo, Bungo Bung and Rusti may be forced into doing the last resort — joining the Rebellion…
    (PLANNED SHORT COMIC—West End Games—James Anderson--???? 2000)

    +1 ASW4

    “Star Wars Adventure Journal #17: Shifting Gears.”
    Three Rebel officers — two humans and a frog - like Zarian—travel to Tatooine and battle Imperial agents in order to infiltrate a Jawa Sandcrawler to retrieve a strategic protocol droid. Unbeknownst to them, a black protocol assassin droid has infiltrated the Sandcrawler, posing as a damaged machine for the Jawas to scavenge…
    (PLANNED SHORT STORY—West End Games--????--???? 1998)

    +2 ASW4

    Rebel and Imperial forces on the rocky, volcanic planet Vernost, battle for control of a natural fluid that works fuel - efficiency wonders for starships and medical cures on humans. X-wings fight TIE Fighters and Interceptors through the dangerous canyons, as Rebel task ships assists them. Ultimately, the Rebels are victorious, and retrieve the special juice.
    (PLANNED VIDEO GAME—Hughes Training/LucasArts Inc.—Various authors--??? 1993)

    “Star Wars Adventure Journal #16: Credit Denied.”
    Con-woman Ghitsa Dodger and her alien partner get into a deadly run-in with crimelord Oro Memis at a temple, along with his henchmen Nopul Etrefa and Nikto, Vakirsajaina. Her partner is riddled with blaster bolts and killed, and Dodger is forced into a deathmatch by a Weequay announcer, Pon Svale. Chained to a pole, she is about to be shot point-blank, but manages to escape with her life.
    (PLANNED SHORT STORY—West End Games--????--???? 1998)

    “Star Wars Adventure Journal #17: Art of Infiltration.”
    Morgan Q. Raventhorn, Maglenna Pendower, Dren Nord, and the rest of the Alliance Special Ops team participate in an infiltration mission and battle against the devious Imperial ISB Captain Mylesgood. The group and Morgan are able to blow up a skiff full of Imperial officers and troopers, and complete their objectives.
    (PLANNED SHORT STORY—West End Games--????--???? 1998)

    “Star Wars Adventure Journal #17: Treasure Hunt.”
    Smugglers Booster Terrik and Talon Karrde go on a wild and dangerous treasure hunt.
    ((PLANNED SHORT STORY—West End Games--????--???? 1998)

    +3 ASW4

    “Shadows of the Empire—Prequel.”
    Prince Xizor’s plan to destroy Luke Skywalker and take his place as Emperor Palpatine’s right -hand man is about to spring into action…
    (PLANNED NOVEL—Bantam—Charles L. Grant--??? 1999)

    “Bounty Hunters.”
    Five adventures of deadly bounty hunters, Dengar, Bossk, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, and IG-88…
    (PLANNED ONE-SHOTS—Dark Horse--???? ????--???? ????)

    +4 ASW4

    “The Truce at Bakura—Comic Adaptation.”
    The fledging Rebellion—scarcely one day after the Battle of Endor — face a new threat that threatens to engulf them and the Empire…
    (PLANNED COMIC ADAPTATION—Dark Horse Comics--??? 1999)

    “Jodo Kast and Dengar: Preying for Time.”
    After a pirate attack on a New Republic ship, bounty hunters Dengar, and the Boba Fett look - alike Jodo Kast, reluctantly team-up to catch the elusive bounties that instigated the strike.
    (PLANNED COMIC ONE-SHOT—West End Games--???? ????)

    “X-wing Rogue Squadron: The Mandalorian Candidate.”
    The New Republic discovers that an unwitting counter-agent lurks among them, which forces Rogue Squadron and Mandalorian - armoured bounty hunter Boba Fett to form a shaky alliance to ferret out the plans of the agent — and to discover his employers.
    (PLANNED COMIC ONE-SHOT—Dark Horse—Michael J. Stackpole--???? ????)

    +5 ASW4

    After “Prophets of the Dark Side” and before “Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II”

    “The Saga of Atha Prime.”
    A new villain emerges to threaten the stability of the infant New Republic, Atha Prime. Atha Prime - genetics master, ruler of the dark worlds, and architect of the Clone Wars who, exiled in a remote part of the galaxy by Emperor Palpatine decades ago, has long since been freed by his death. Prime harnesses the power of cloning technology and builds an army of evil Clone Warriors, intended to replace stormtroopers as regular infantrymen. Armed with his personal ship, the ‘Apex Invader’ - which incorporated into his larger flagship, the double decker Star Destroyer ‘Annihilator’ - and his army of combat clones, decimate Rebel outposts in their attempt to crush the Alliance forever. Luke Skywalker, further developing his skills, constructs a second lightsaber, with a red blade, and also purchases a HP-38 landspeeder. The New Republic is caught off - guard by this, and barely has time to modify ships to fight Prime. As he moves to attack Tatooine, the New Republic quickly puts into production the new land - based Desert Speeder. Snowspeeders are reconfigured for combat on desert worlds, and the X-wing is modified for a tandem design to become more efficient: pilot and gunner duties became separate. The Millennium Falcon is equipped with a landing pod. And a new ground vehicle is made-the Rebel SRV-1 (Scout and Retrieval Vehicle), designed as a troop carrier that deployed and retrieved personnel from a combat zone, and could carry a damaged X-wing or snowspeeder from the battleground. Han Solo and Luke fight with the New Republic at Tatooine, Luke`s being more personal, and become allies with the Mongo Beefhead Tribesmen: nearly extinct, unusual native humanoids with red skin and flat, tentacled heads. With their help, Luke, Han, and the Rebels gain an upper hand in the battles on Tatooine. Ultimately, Atha Prime and his forces are defeated by the growing, maturing New Republic.
    (PROPOSED TOY & STORYLINE–Kenner Toys—1986)

    +6 ASW4

    “The Rogue Squadron Sourcebook.”
    Datafile containing info on Rogue Squadron, it is pilots, and it is enemies. Describes New Republic and Empire officers, like General Airen Cracken, and the evil Imperial Director of Intelligence, Ysanne Isard; and also about the shady characters that have dealt with Rouge Squadron, like the alien Cirruhs, the Duros named Waleen Jol, and the Pacithip Kettak. Also includes adventure of Corran Horn and his feelings at the Battle of Bilbringi.
    (PLANNED SOURCEBOOK—West End Games--????--??? 1998)

    +10 ASW4

    Now considered a Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker encounters a Dark Jedi named Kam Solusar, son of a Jedi slain by Darth Vader, at the derelict space city Nespis VIII. Kam spent years hiding from the Empire in the most remote parts of the galaxy. When his whereabouts were discovered by a group of Dark Jedi, he was tortured and forced to embrace the Dark Side of the Force. The reborn Emperor used him as one of his personal Dark Jedi on Byss. When Luke first met him on Nespis VIII, Luke sensed his strength in the Force behind the Dark Side facade, and challenged Kam to a game of Lightsider. Luke won, and convinced Kam to return to the Light Side, and gains a new ally in the way. Kam eventually returned to Luke, joining the Jedi candidates on Yavin 4. He became one of Luke`s most gifted apprentices, and became a full Jedi Knight several years after the death of Palpatine`s clones.
    (PLANNED COMIC–Dark Horse Comics--???? ???? 1995)

    +14 ASW4

    “Fairy Tales: Jaina and the Hanadak.”
    On Endor, Jaina Solo goes on a walk to visit the Old Forest Woman, but runs into the Hanadak, a creature that wants to devour her…
    (PLANNED CHILDREN’S STORYBOOK--????—John Whitman—September, 5 1995)

    “Fairy Tales: The Twins and the Taloden.”
    Jacen and Jaina Solo meet a powerful serpent called the Taloden while visiting Tatooine.
    (PLANNED CHILDREN’S STORYBOOK--????—John Whitman—September, 5 1995)

    +15 ASW4

    “Exiles of the Force.”
    The adventures of Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo continue, as they face a mysterious Force-related threat…
    (PROPOSED COMIC SERIES—Dark Horse Comics—Idea by Jim Baike--??? 1996)

    “Heart of the Jedi.”
    The adventures of Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo continue…
    (PLANNED NOVEL—Bantam—Kenneth Flint--???? 1993)

    “Legacy of Doom.”
    The adventures of Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo continue…
    (PLANNED NOVEL—Bantam—Margaret Weiss--??? 1994)

    +19 ASW4

    “Crimson Empire III.”
    Kir Kanos is about to finish his mission — but not before duelling with his, and the Empire’s, arch - enemy, Luke Skywalker…
    (PLANNED COMIC SERIES—Dark Horse Comics--????--??? ???, not cancelled, in production limbo)

    “Specter of Thrawn.”
    A supposedly dead enemy of the New Republic is seemingly about to return to life…
    (PLANNED COMIC SERIES—Dark Horse Comics--????--??? ????)

    +25 ASW4

    “The Hatred Vector.”
    The Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy is about to begin…
    (PLANNED COMIC SERIES—Dark Horse Comics--??? 1999)

    “The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide: Siege.”
    Luke Skywalker, Corran Horn, and the other Jedi Knights continue the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong.
    (PLANNED NOVEL—Del Rey—Michael J. Stackpole--??? 2000)

    +26 ASW4

    “The New Jedi Order: The Knightfall Trilogy: Jedi Storm, Jedi Fire, Jedi Blood.”
    The side adventures of beautiful scientist Danni Quee, who, along with the help of a fallen Jedi Knight named Jorallen, personally fight the Yuuzhan Vong and run into an evil Vong priestess.
    (PLANNED NOVELS—Del Rey—Michael Jan Friedman--??? 2001)

    +32 ASW4

    “Star Wars Episodes VII - IX.”
    With the Galactic Civil War at an end and the majority of its aftershock battles finished, the New Republic (referred to more as the Republic now, just as the Old Republic was before the Civil War) is continuing to rebuild the glorious Republic that once spread across the galaxy. Luke Skywalker is now an aged Jedi Master, heading up a new legion of Jedi Knights as they once again begin to more prominently become "the guardians of peace and justice" in the Republic. A new threat is raised, a menace carried over from a period about six decades earlier, as a figure from around the time of Anakin Skywalker’s fall from grace returns after being frozen for the intervening years. In the ensuing events, Luke`s own son begins to fall to the Dark Side and in a twist of when it was father against son for the redemption of the father (when Vader and Luke battled aboard the Death Star II), it is now father against son for the redemption of the son. Luke manages to save his son from the Dark Side, and the new threat is defeated.
    Thanks to Nathan Butler for the summary.
    (PLANNED MOVIES—Lucasfilm Ltd.--??? ???)

    “Star Wars Episodes X - XII.”
    The adventures of Luke Skywalker and his son continue, in the final events that decide the fate of the Skywalker family and the conclusion of the Journal of the Whills.
    (PLANNED MOVIES—Lucasfilm Ltd.--??? ???)

    Oczywiście 2 ostatnie pozycje nigdy (???) nie wyszły poza fazę spekulacji.

    • The Third Neimoidian

      Lord Sidious 2003-10-26 21:00:00

      Lord Sidious


      Rejestracja: 2001-09-05

      Ostatnia wizyta: 2024-10-09

      Skąd: Wrocław

      Taką zapowiedź na swojej stronie miał Michael Reaves. Maiał taką książkę napisać i też ją gdzieś wcieło. No i jescze np. e-book do Shatterpoint.

      Jeśli chodzi o 3 cześć Mrocznego Przypływu - to sytuacja jest fajna, bo w polskim wydaniu Wektora Pierwszego jest on w liscie zapowiedzi, mimo, ze w USA juz byl wyciety.

      A co do Knightfall - Jedi Storm - to był chyba pierwsza wycieta ksiażka, która była już napisana i miała okładke.

      Z powyższych najbardziej żałuję Epizodów VII-IX, Karmazynowego Imperium 3 i prequela so Cieni Imperium.

  • e-book

    Valorum 2003-10-26 21:15:00



    Rejestracja: 2002-03-17

    Ostatnia wizyta: 2024-03-02

    Skąd: Łódź

    do Shatterpoint to chyba ta historyjka Stovera dodawana do Hasbro

    • Też mi siętak wydawało

      Lord Sidious 2003-10-26 21:18:00

      Lord Sidious


      Rejestracja: 2001-09-05

      Ostatnia wizyta: 2024-10-09

      Skąd: Wrocław

      ale cóż - coś wątpie by takiego e-booka miał zamiar wydać Lucasbooks - tam nie ma 10 stron tekstu... i to z tytułową, spisem tresci, chronologia i obrazkami. Ilezja ma prawie 100 stron, z wszystkimi dodatkami, inne trochę mniej, ale nie aż tak, wiec dziwne by było wydawanie tego jako ebooka.

  • mam nadzieję...

    Ricky Skywalker 2003-10-26 21:56:00

    Ricky Skywalker


    Rejestracja: 2002-07-12

    Ostatnia wizyta: 2024-01-10

    Skąd: Bydgoszcz

    że ostatnie dwie pozycje jednak wrócą na listę "przedsięwzięć do zrealizowania"
    a z Mrocznym Przypływem 3 była kiedyś ciekawa sytuacja. Kiedy jeszcze nie miałem dostępu do netu, po "Inwazji" czekałem na kolejną czesc NEJ, a Amber akurat wtedy nie pisał w spisie tego, co jest "w przygotowaniu. Latałem więc po księgarniach, pytając o "Mroczny Przypływ 3"

  • imponujaca

    Anor 2003-10-27 10:52:00



    Rejestracja: 2003-01-09

    Ostatnia wizyta: 2023-05-17

    Skąd: Chyby

    ta lista musże powiedziec. Osobiście cieszę się ze wpsomniane przez lorda ksiązki nie wyszły, gdyż nie wniosłyby chyba nic do NEJ! jakoś opowiadanie o Danni za bardzo mi nie daje szans na konkrety w NEJ.

    A tak na marginesie to ten wątek o Danni i upadłym Jedi jakoś podobnie wygląda do Pierwszego Pełnomocnika Sprawiedliwości, gdzie Dani zeszła się z upadłym Jedi - Brakissem!!!!


